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Professor, has 10 scientific publications on radiology and oncology in medical journals.
Member of organizations such as:
Specializes in the treatment of malignant neoplasms using radiotherapy and combined methods. Diagnoses the disease using advanced equipment and modern tests. After obtaining data on the size, location and shape of the tumor, the doctor determines the optimal dose of radiation and selects the best method of delivering radiation to the tumor.
The doctor carefully monitors the patient’s condition throughout the treatment and monitors changes in the tumor cells. If necessary, adapts the course of treatment, deciding whether to introduce a more intensive or gentler plan to combat the tumor and metastases. Patients have a high rate of positive survival statistics.
Published in foreign scientific journals (National Library of Medicine, NLM)
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Both methods involve remote irradiation of the problem area. The differences relate to the intensity of the impact. Radiation therapy is carried out in a course of several sessions, which are performed with a certain frequency. The duration of the course is from 1 to 7 weeks. The method of radiosurgery involves the rapid destruction of the tumor in one session.
In both cases, specialized installations – linear accelerators – are used for irradiation. For the needs of radiosurgery, linear accelerators have built-in collimators that make it possible to irradiate small targets of complex shape, including those located near radiosensitive intracranial structures.
The main criterion for choosing the most appropriate intensity of exposure is the size of the cancer node. With the radiosurgery method, relatively small tumors can be removed at one time. The size limit is introduced due to the fact that the destruction of tissues is accompanied by the release of toxins into the blood and lymph, which are utilized with the participation of the kidneys and liver. Volumetric malignant neoplasms are best removed in several sessions. This allows the body to cope with intoxication without overloading the vital organs.
Each type of radiation therapy has a number of features that determine the range of indications and contraindications for their use in oncology. For example, for the treatment of malignant neoplasms, gamma therapy and X-ray irradiation are most often used due to their ability to penetrate tissues to a given depth and have a predictable dose-dependent effect on the tumor.
One of the areas of gamma therapy is the gamma knife. The method involves the use of sources of high-intensity gamma radiation, capable of creating significant doses of radiation in deeply located tumors and thus destroying the entire cancerous node. The Gama Knife is used only to remove benign and malignant tumors in the brain. In addition, it is used to treat vascular diseases (arteriovenous malformations) and functional diseases – trigeminal neuralgia, parkinsonism, epilepsy.
CyberKnife is a radiosurgical system that uses x-rays and gamma radiation. The system monitors the localization of the tumor in real-time, which shifts during breathing or muscle contraction. Tumors of the lungs, intestines, and prostate can serve as an example. This increases the accuracy of the impact on the cancerous tumor and contributes to the preservation of the viability of the surrounding healthy tissues. The size and depth of the tumor is not a limitation for the use of Cyberknife.
The TrueBeam linear accelerator has taken radiation therapy to a whole new level. The device combines the advantages of all modern linear accelerators and significantly exceeds them in terms of characteristics and capabilities:
Exposure to neutron radiation is effective in patients with radioresistant tumors that are resistant to ionizing radiation. Some forms of brain cancer, salivary gland tumors, soft tissue sarcomas, and most recurrent and metastatic malignancies are often radioresistant.
The use of protons accelerated to high energies in synchrophasotrons for the treatment of oncological diseases is a promising direction in medicine. With this treatment method:
Proton therapy is prescribed for the treatment of all types of benign and malignant neoplasms. But first of all, the use of the method is advisable in the detection of radioresistant tumors and, if necessary, the second course of radiation therapy, when the patient has already received the maximum possible dose of radiation, but complete removal of the tumor has not been achieved.
It’s no secret that the appearance of medical equipment decommissioned abroad is a real technological breakthrough for the hospital. However, the results of treatment with such equipment do not always meet the expectations of cancer patients.
Experts Medical recommend considering medical centers in Turkey. For example, clinic Acibadem has the most modern equipment with is very important in radiotherapy. The cost of radiotherapy in Turkey is approximately the same as in the CIS countries. At the same time, Turkish clinics update equipment every 5 years, and a variety of complex devices for radiotherapy and radiosurgery allows you to accurately select the device for a specific type of tumor.