Dr. Levent Acar specializes in aesthetic medicine, focusing on providing patients with the most effective hair restoration possible. He utilizes minimally invasive approaches and advanced techniques to achieve optimal results.
In his practice, Levent Acar utilizes:
During his career, Dr. Levent Akar has successfully performed over 19,000 surgeries, with a 98% success rate.
Dr. Levent Acar closely follows the latest developments and innovations in the field of hair transplantation.
He actively participates in various events and conferences on hair loss and hair transplantation, where he exchanges experiences and receives up-to-date information:
At these events, Dr. Akar actively participates, exchanges experiences with colleagues from different countries and learns about the latest trends and advances in hair transplantation.
Dr. Levent Akar has received more than 15 certifications and awards.