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Professor Moshe Inbar is a highly qualified Israeli oncologist.
Specialization: liver cancer, cancer of the genitourinary system, carcinoma, heart cancer, laryngeal cancer, stomach cancer, adenocarcinoma, intestinal cancer, breast cancer, squamous cell carcinoma, etc.
Moshe Inbar graduated from the Medical Faculty of the Hebrew State University in Jerusalem. After graduating with honors from this university, he was sent to the Sourasky (Ichilov) hospital complex with a specialization in oncology. Doctor Inbar improved his qualifications in well-known medical institutions: the Institute of Immune Genetics of the Paul Briusse Hospital (France), Anderson Medical Center in Houston (USA), Memorial oncology center. Sloan Cattering in New York, USA. Moshe Inbar completed his residency in radiation therapy at the British clinic – Royal Marsden Hospital.
While researching and teaching at Tel Aviv State University, Moshe Inbar received the title of professor of oncology. At the moment, he continues to train future doctors.
Membership in medical associations:
Dr. Irina Stefansky is the leading oncologist at the Sourasky Clinic.
She graduated from the Medical University in Grodno and completed her internship in Belarus. In 2000, she moved to Israel and completed her specialization in oncology at the Sourasky Clinic. Trained in the USA and Germany. Forbes Israel magazine included the doctor in the list of the best doctors in Israel.
The doctor specializes in the treatment of breast cancer, gastrointestinal tumors and other types of cancer. Uses personalized treatment protocols, which, along with chemotherapy, include immunotherapeutic and targeted drugs. The doctor is engaged in the introduction of innovative drugs in the treatment of metastases. She works with a wide range of drugs that neutralize the side effects of chemotherapy. Dr. Stefansky draws up treatment protocols based on the molecular genetic characteristics of the tumor.
Professor Moshe Pappa is a well-known Israeli specialist in the field of surgery, head of the department of oncosurgery at the leading Israeli clinic – Sheba, head of the Meirav Breast Health Center, author of surgical methods for treating cancer in Israel in the field of oncology and mammology, teacher, publicist.
Academic activity
Membership in professional organizations:
Scientific publications: Professor Moshe Pappa is the author of unique surgical techniques in the field of oncological surgery, which have been published in prestigious medical journals specializing in the study of new methods of cancer treatment abroad. He is a member of the editorial board of the well-known international publication “Oncological Surgery”.
Professor Bella Kaufman is considered one of the most famous Israeli oncologists, whose main specialization is the treatment of breast cancer. The name of Professor Kaufman and her research and development in the field of breast cancer treatment is known far beyond the borders of Israel. She is involved in various international studies, including studies in the field of genetics of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, the effect of drugs such as tamoxifen on the hormonal profile of young women.
Author of more than 25 articles and chapters in medical textbooks.
Breast cancer, clinical oncology and radiotherapy
Participation in professional organizations:
Awards and achievements:
Dr. Oscar ABLAY is a leading Israeli surgeon, an experienced specialist in general and breast surgery.
Israeli Health Foundation Expert.
Author of more than 40 scientific publications in specialized medical literature. Active member of the Israeli Breast Society.
Participation in professional organizations:
Professor Mordechai Gutman – oncologist, oncosurgeon. Senior Surgeon and Head of the Department of General Surgery and Transplantation at the Sheba Tel HaShomer Clinic, lecturer in surgery, author of scientific publications. Graduated from the Faculty of Medicine. Sackler, Tel Aviv Medical University (1981).
Passed specializations and internships in general surgery, Hadassah University Hospital, Israel, oncology internship at the Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, USA.
Professor Mordechai Gutman has been participating in research in the field of oncology for many years, studying the prerequisites for the onset of cancer, and the mechanisms of metastasis. Dr. Mordechai Gutman is the author of more than 50 scientific articles, monographs on the topics of oncology, oncosurgery, participated with reports on the results of his research work at international, European and Israeli symposiums and conferences.
Member of the following professional organizations:
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Effective treatment of breast cancer (BC) remains a high-priority task for Israeli healthcare. The country ranks 26th in the world in incidence. This is due to the genetic predisposition of the Israeli population to this type of cancer.
Currently, Israeli oncology has achieved impressive results in the treatment of breast cancer. According to The Israel Cancer Association, 90% of patients with stage I and II recover. The 5-year survival rate for cancer III is about 70%. In women with stage IV, oncologists achieve long-term remissions with a satisfactory quality of life.
The goal of Israeli oncologists is not only to cure a woman of cancer in the shortest possible time and with minimal damage to health, but also to preserve her breasts and a good quality of life during and after treatment. Numerous reviews about the treatment of RZhM cancer in Israel confirm that this is how this disease is treated in Israeli clinics.
Therefore, one of the most popular destinations for foreign patients is the treatment of breast cancer in Israel. They come to be treated at oncology centers, which are available in all major Israeli clinics, such as, for example, Rambam Medical Center.
Treatment of breast cancer in Israel begins with accurate high-tech diagnostics. It includes imaging and biopsy of the tumor and laboratory examination of malignant cells to determine molecular genetic characteristics.
Tumor Imaging
Israeli doctors visualize a suspicious formation in the mammary gland using three types of studies:
Mammography is a specialized CT scan of the breasts that shows the tumor long before it can be detected by a doctor’s examination and self-examination. Especially if this type of tomography is carried out in the digital tomosynthesis mode (3D mammography).
The identified neoplasm may also be benign. Therefore, an ultrasound of the mammary gland is performed, which shows the internal structure: a cyst with fluid, a dense tumor, or a combination of both. MRI of the mammary glands visualizes various tissues in even more detail and reveals small pathological foci that are not visible on mammography.
Tumor Biopsy
When a tumor formation in the breast is detected, Israeli oncologists perform the main diagnostic procedure – a biopsy (taking a microfragment of tissues from the tumor). Only this study makes it possible to exclude or confirm the diagnosis of cancer.
In Israel, oncologists perform:
In Israeli oncology centers, this procedure is safe and always highly informative, as it is performed by qualified specialists using digital mammography with tomosynthesis, ultrasound, or MRI navigation.
Cancer cell research and disease staging
In Israeli clinics, several laboratory studies of tumor cells obtained by biopsy are carried out:
After histological confirmation of the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes an additional examination to clarify the stage of cancer and determine the general condition of the patient before starting treatment. To detect regional and distant metastases, CT, MRI, PET-CT, or PET-MRI, osteoscintigraphy can be performed.
This diagnostics of breast cancer in Israel is mandatory and takes only 2-3 days.
After clarifying the diagnosis, which reflects the type and stage of cancer, hormonal, HER2, BRCA1 / BRCA2 tumor status, a multidisciplinary team of oncologists (surgeon, internist, radiologist) develops a treatment plan. They also take into account a number of molecular genetic features of cells and the latest recommendations for the treatment of BC from international specialized communities.
A positive attitude of patients during treatment is provided by an oncopsychologist. Patients with hereditary cancer are consulted by a geneticist. Fertility specialists help young women maintain their ability to have children after they recover from cancer.
Treatment of BC in Israel most often includes all three basic methods – surgery, radiotherapy, systemic (drug) therapy, which includes chemotherapy, hormone therapy, and targeted therapy.
Surgery of the breast with preservation/restoration of the breast in Israel
The main treatment for breast cancer is surgery. In stage I, some cancers are cured with a successful operation. Israeli breast surgeons perform two types of interventions:
Radical mastectomy is performed extremely rarely, and only in a modified version that is gentle on the patient’s body.
Also, surgeons always strive to minimize the amount of surgery during a mastectomy and not remove the axillary lymph nodes, as this often leads to lymphedema (chronic swelling of the limb). Therefore, before or during surgery, the doctor performs a biopsy of the sentinel (closest to the tumor) lymph node. If it is “clean”, without cancer cells, then the axillary lymph nodes are preserved.
If a mastectomy is scheduled for the patient, then she should consult a plastic surgeon to assess the possibility of one-stage breast reconstruction. Israeli surgeons can perform breast reconstruction not only during the operation but also later as a separate procedure. The timing of the operation depends both on the preferences of the patient and on the need and timing of radiotherapy and systemic therapy. In the vast majority of cases, after surgery, patients are prescribed radiotherapy.
The main treatment for breast cancer is surgery. In stage I, some cancers are cured with a successful operation. Israeli breast surgeons perform two types of interventions:
Radical mastectomy is performed extremely rarely, and only in a modified version that is gentle on the patient’s body.
Also, surgeons always strive to minimize the amount of surgery during a mastectomy and not remove the axillary lymph nodes, as this often leads to lymphedema (chronic swelling of the limb). Therefore, before or during surgery, the doctor performs a biopsy of the sentinel (closest to the tumor) lymph node. If it is “clean”, without cancer cells, then the axillary lymph nodes are preserved.
If a mastectomy is scheduled for the patient, then she should consult a plastic surgeon to assess the possibility of one-stage breast reconstruction. Israeli surgeons can perform breast reconstruction not only during the operation but also later as a separate procedure. The timing of the operation depends both on the preferences of the patient and on the need and timing of radiotherapy and systemic therapy. In the vast majority of cases, after surgery, patients are prescribed radiotherapy.
In Israeli clinics, three types of radiation therapy are performed:
The use of the latest generation of linear accelerators and advanced radiation technologies shortens the period of radiotherapy and minimizes complications.
Modern systemic (drug) antitumor therapy for breast cancer with intravenous administration of drugs destroys cancer cells throughout the body. Depending on the stage of cancer, this therapy ensures complete recovery, prevents the development of cancer recurrence, and prolongs life. In Israel, 4 types of systemic therapy for breast cancer are used:
Chemotherapy in the treatment of BC in Israel can complement surgery and radiotherapy, and be the main method of treatment for inoperable cancer, relapse and triple-negative breast cancer (there are no HER2, ER, PR receptors in the tumor cells). In Israel, chemotherapy regimens are used, including the latest generation of drugs.
Hormonal or endocrine therapy is prescribed for hormone-sensitive (ER, PR positive) tumors. The drugs block the body’s ability to produce hormones or interfere with hormones’ effect on breast cancer cells. This stops the growth of the tumor.
Targeted drugs destroy various molecular genetic mechanisms and proteins that stimulate tumor growth. For example, they block HER-2 protein receptors in malignant cells in HER2-positive cancer. That is, they affect only cancer cells, not affecting healthy ones.
This is a special type of targeted therapy that restores the body’s immune defense against cancer. For example, drugs that stimulate T-lymphocytes are used, which destroy cancer cells.
The protocol of systemic therapy after surgery is adjusted by the oncologist taking into account the results of a surgical biopsy – a comprehensive analysis of tumor cells removed during surgery. In the arsenal of Israeli oncologists, there are several dozen chemotherapy drugs, hormonal, targeted, including immune drugs. Patients with relapses who have not been helped by therapies according to the appropriate protocols can be treated with the latest drugs in clinical trials.
Treatment of breast cancer at the level of the best world standards is carried out in cancer centers in the USA, Germany, Finland, South Korea, and Turkey, as well as in Israeli clinics. With many comparable survival rates for patients with different stages of cancer, the treatment of BC in Israel has a number of advantages.
Treatment of breast cancer in Israel is carried out in large medical centers, such as Sheba Medical Center. It includes a cancer research institute, including genetic laboratories. There is also a service for the selection of drugs in accordance with the molecular genetic characteristics of malignant tumor cells.
All this enables Israeli oncologists to apply the principles of personalized oncology, which increases the effectiveness of therapy and improves the outcome of the disease. At the same time, the cost of breast cancer treatment in Israel is significantly lower than in medical institutions of a similar level – in the United States and in Europe.
In Israel, personalized breast cancer treatment protocols are used. This means that when prescribing treatment, oncologists take into account not only the size of the primary tumor, the type and stage of cancer, the age and general condition of patients, but also the unique genetic profile of each specific tumor. In specialized laboratories, the genome (genes and DNA) in malignant cells is examined and targeted drugs are selected in accordance with the detected gene mutations that led to the development of cancer.
Innovative predictive molecular genomic tests to determine the likelihood of cancer recurrence and predict response to treatment are also used in Israel. For example, Oncotype DX Breast, Prosigna, SYMPHONY, MammaPrint. This makes it possible for patients with certain types of tumors, such as ER- and PR-positive cancers, not to undergo chemotherapy. Oncologists achieve recovery or long-term remission with the help of hormonal and targeted therapy.
Every year, new targeted and immune drugs with proven efficacy and a high safety profile developed in the USA appear in Israeli cancer centers. They are able to provide a relapse-free course of cancer for many years. Therefore, in Israel, individually tailored treatment protocols are used, which are available only in such well-known medical institutions as the Anderson Cancer Center in the USA. Despite the fact that the cost of breast cancer treatment in Israel is significantly lower than in American clinics.
In the conditions of Israeli clinics, patients with metastatic cancer, as well as patients with earlier stages of cancer, receive intensive treatment. Oncologists use high-tech methods of therapy and innovative drugs. Many of them are developed in Israel, so they are quickly introduced into clinical practice. To remove distant cancer metastases, the oncology team uses:
This treatment requires appropriate equipment and qualified professionals.
The main treatment for stage IV BC is personalized combined targeted therapy and chemotherapy, which doctors perform even in elderly and debilitated patients. As a result, the 5-year survival rates of patients with stage IV in Israel are much better than in many clinics in Europe.
The high overall level of breast cancer treatment in Israel allows a sufficiently large number of patients to choose the option of surgery and radiation therapy within the framework of a personalized treatment protocol.
In patients with certain types of cancer who are indicated for mastectomy but wish to retain their breasts, oncologists, with a favorable prognosis, may initially administer chemoradiation and/or hormonal therapy to shrink the tumor. After that, the surgeon performs an organ-preserving operation.
In some patients who are unwilling or unable for any reason to undergo conventional radiotherapy, after a thorough assessment of all risks, intraoperative radiotherapy or brachytherapy may be performed. The chemotherapist adjusts systemic therapy to ensure recovery in this case.
If the condition and type of cancer allows, in some patients, chemotherapy can be intensified and carried out in a shorter time.
This approach is especially often practiced in private clinics, for example, in Herzia Medical Center and Assuta, where they also have the opportunity to choose a surgeon.
Patients also like the lack of queues for doctors and procedures, professional care, spacious comfortable rooms, and VIP service.
Former patients of most Israeli both public and private clinics warmly recall the treatment of breast cancer in Israel. Reviews often begin with gratitude to the doctors, all the medical staff, and the coordinator-interpreter for their sensitive and sincere attitude. Patients also note that the treatment of BC in Israel is a chance for recovery.
Personalized treatment of breast cancer in Israel at the level of the best world standards, taking into account the individual needs of patients, does not imply the highest cost in the world, which is another advantage.
The cost of breast cancer treatment in Israel is 50% lower than in the US, but the same as in Turkey. Obviously, the Israeli price of therapy for this cancer is “average for a hospital”. Breast cancer treatment in Israel, taking into account the level of Israeli oncology, has an excellent cost/result ratio of treatment.
Judging by the reviews about the treatment of BC in Israel, it is obvious that the above-described benefits are received by patients of all cancer centers in this country, where there are both modern technologies and world-class specialists. However, the cost of certain types of diagnostics and treatment in public and private clinics, and, accordingly, the final price of therapy may vary.
Therefore, for foreign patients who would like to undergo breast cancer treatment in Israel, the most relevant issue is the choice of a clinic and specialists.
In such a vital issue as the treatment of breast cancer in Israel, it is advisable to take the help of professionals who have relevant experience and knowledge. These include expert medical coordinators who will provide comprehensive assistance free of charge – from the initial consultation on treatment in various medical centers to the organization of breast cancer treatment in Israel.