Treatment of joints in Israel ❤️ Treatment of shoulder, knee and hip joints in Israeli clinics
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Treatment of joints in Israel

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Best orthopedists for joint treatment in Israel

Sela Yaron
Work experience: over 20 years

Dr. Sela is a leading expert in orthopedic surgery with a specialization in shoulder and elbow surgery and a subspecialty in hand surgery.

Expert in writing medical reports for the courts, the Ministry of Defense and insurance companies, and also carries out disability assessments for National Insurance.

Dr. Yaron Sela operates 4 clinics throughout the country in the shoulder, elbow and hand area.

Professional experience:

  • Specialization in Upper Extremity Orthopedic Surgery – Hand and Upper Extremity Fellowship and Clinical Instructor at the prestigious University Hospital (UPMC) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
  • Clinical training in the shoulder department at Sheba Medical Center in Tel Hashomer.
  • Internship in orthopedic surgery in the orthopedic department of the Sheba Medical Center in Tel Hashomer.
  • Completed a year of internship as a doctor at Asaf Harofeh Hospital.
  • Certified by ECFMG to work as a medical professional with a medical license in the United States.


  • Israeli Hands Association Award.
  • Two Prizes from the Israeli Orthopedic Association.
  • Award for Excellence in Science by the Faculty of Medicine of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Membership in professional organizations:

  • AAOS – American Association of Orthopedic Surgeons
  • ACMS – Allegheny County Medical Society, USA
  • IOA – Israeli Orthopedic Association
  • ISSH – Israeli Society for Hand Surgery.
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Amal Huri
Work experience: over 27 years

Prof. Amal Huri is a specialist of the highest qualification category in orthopedics. He sees patients at the Sourasky Clinic. He has been repeatedly included in the list of the best doctors in Israel, compiled by the editorial board of Forbes Israel magazine.

In 2023 Amal Huri, as a specialist in the treatment of complex fractures, was included in the Duns100 rating – the top list of leading doctors in Israel, compiled by the auditing company Dun & Bradstreet.


  • Arthritis;
  • elbow injuries; 
  • osteoarthritis;
  • sprains; 
  • coxarthrosis; 
  • fractures; 
  • joint diseases; 
  • sports injuries; 
  • meniscus tears; 
  • complex wrist injuries and fractures.

Membership in professional organizations:

  • American Association of Orthopaedic Trauma Surgeons;
  • American Society of Orthopaedic Trauma Surgeons;
  • Israeli Medical Association;
  • Israeli Association of Orthopaedic Surgeons;
  • College of Surgeons of Ontario.
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Ronen Debi
Work experience: over 20 years

Head physician of the orthopedic department at Barzilai Hospital.


  • hip replacement surgery;
  • hip replacement with anterior approach;
  • knee replacement surgery;
  • knee replacement with kinematic alignment;
  • robotic knee replacement surgery.

Academic activities:

  • Editor of orthopedic corrections for more than 10 years in Israel
  • Teacher and editor of the Central final exams for students in orthopedics.
  • Editor-in-Chief of Orthopedic Trainee Oral Testing in Hospitals.
  • Compiler of examination programs at Tel Aviv University, orthopedic surgery, national examination.
  • Co-author of exam questions in orthopedics
  • Chairman of the National Conference on Osteoarthritis
  • Course Director for Knee and Hip Surgery at Barzilai Hospital.
  • Head of the course on arthrosis.
  • Member of the author’s committee for the development of principles for the treatment of osteoarthritis.
  • Member of the International Association for Research in Arthrosis and Cartilage Injuries OARSI
  • Editor and author of articles in scientific journals on spine surgery and the Journal of Orthopedics and Research.

Membership in professional associations:

  • Israeli Doctors’ Union;
  • Israeli Orthopedic Association;
  • Member of the scientific council of the Knee and Hip Replacement Society, a subsidiary organization of the Israeli Orthopedic Association;
  • Israeli Society of Sports Medicine.
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Amir Sternheim
oncologist, orthopedist
Work experience: over 21 years

Specialization: oncological orthopedics, endoprosthetics and orthopedic surgery


  • Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.
  • 2006 – National Cancer Institute, specialization in oncology and orthopedics, USA.
  • 2011 – University of Toronto, arthritis of the knee and hip joints.
  • 2012-2013 – University of Toronto – oncology, orthopedics.

Clinical experience:

  • 1998 – internship at Beilinson Hospital.
  • 1999-2003 Military doctor, elite squad
  • 2003-2010 Specializing in orthopedic surgery, Ikhilovskaya Hospital.
  • 2010-2011 – Advanced Specialization in Complex Joint Replacement, Toronto, Canada.
  • 2011-2013 – Higher specialization in oncopedic orthopedics, Toronto, Canada.
  • Since 2013, senior physician at the national department of oncological orthopedics at Ichilov Hospital.
  • 2020 – Director of the national department of oncological orthopedics at Ichilov Hospital

Awards and achievements:

  • Award for outstanding achievements in sub-internship, Ichilov Hospital (2011);
  • Cancer Association Excellence Fellowship (2011);
  • Tannenbaum Grant for Excellence in Surgical Oncology (2012);
  • Best Preclinical Research in Orthopedics, University of Toronto (2013);
  • Guided Therapy for Sarcoma Surgery GTx Stroble Grant (2013).

Membership in professional associations:

  • American Association of Orthopedic Oncologists (MSTS);
  • International Association for the Study and Treatment of Sarcoma (CTOS);
  • International Association for the Study and Treatment of Sarcoma (ISOLS).
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Diagnosis: PRP knee injections

Dr. Igor Kazansky is a very experienced doctor and a true professional. I had PRP injections in my knees. It was the last resort before my knee replacement. Dr. Kazansky was skeptical about the outcome in my case, and thanks to Dr. Kazansky, the results are much better than we thought. I highly recommend getting injections, including joint treatment, from Dr. Kazansky. Excellent doctor.

Diagnosis: arthrosis

Arthrosis was diagnosed at an early stage in Ikhilov. Now I regularly undergo treatment courses at the clinic, which help me live without pain. Thanks to the professionalism of the orthopedist, nutritionist, rehabilitation specialist and physiotherapist, I feel good.

Diagnosis: cartilage replacement in the hip joint

I received excellent treatment, having undergone surgery to replace the cartilage in the hip joint, and having received reobelitation, I quickly recovered. Exactly one month later he came to the doctor Kozansky Igor with his own legs without a crutch. Of course, I still need to work a lot on myself, in this I am helped by specialists from the rehabilitation center. I would like to express my gratitude to all the staff of Asuta Hospital. The anesthesiologist, the team headed by Igor Kazansky. Be healthy and happy. Sincerely, Konstantin.

Diagnosis: arthroscopy

As a result of previous injuries, my knee joint was constantly inflamed and there was severe pain. I came to Assuta with a disappointing verdict from my family doctors: only replacing it will help. And here in Israel, I underwent a complete diagnosis, after which I was prescribed an alternative to surgery – therapeutic arthroscopy with cartilage tissue transplantation. Now everything has healed, the pain and inflammation have gone. I am grateful to Israeli specialists that they primarily aim to carry out those types of therapy that preserve joints and limbs to the maximum.

Diagnosis: juvenile rheumatoid arthritis

I have juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. This disease led to severe deformation of the fingers, which practically stopped moving in the right direction. To treat the disease and restore mobility in my hands, I came to Sheba, where I had small joints replaced in my fingers.

Diagnosis: cartilage plastic

I was admitted to the orthopedic department in Ichilov with long-term inflammation of the shoulder that arose after an injury. Before this, I suffered at home for several years, unsuccessfully running to local doctors. In Israel, I was operated on, performing cartilage plastic surgery and restoring the previous shape of the joint.

Diagnosis: Chronic knee arthritis

Chronic knee arthritis has meant that I have had to significantly limit my physical activity. Unfortunately, the disease can no longer be cured; one must constantly adhere to the prevention of exacerbations, but I am glad that I ended up with orthopedist Aaron Menachem. He helped in time, otherwise I would have had even more problems and would have had to have surgery.

Diagnosis: arthritis

It has been more than four months since my arthritis was treated in Israel, and my joints still don’t bother me. I recommend going to the Assuta Clinic. I am absolutely satisfied.

Diagnosis: arthroscopy

During an injury, my meniscus was damaged, so they suggested surgery. I decided to get a second opinion from a doctor and contacted Professor Ron Arbel from Ichilov. After the examination, he suggested doing all the necessary manipulations using special instruments, making only a few small punctures on the skin. And this is how my damaged meniscus was removed during arthroscopy. The operation went well. Recovery is fast.

Diagnosis: arthroscopy

My shoulder had been constantly swollen and painful for a long time. I decided to get examined in Israel, for which I went to Sheba. There I almost immediately underwent arthroscopy of the shoulder joint, and the cause of the pain was identified. It was immediately eliminated and an anti-inflammatory drug was administered. There were no complications, the pain went away, the shoulder stopped swelling.

Diagnosis: osteoarthritis

I have been suffering from deforming osteoarthritis for a long time, so everyone at home told me that it was time to decide on endoprosthetics. But at the Assuta clinic they offered me plastic surgery, since the changes were not yet very pronounced. A few days later I was operated on, having an arthroscopy of my knee. Everything went just great: my leg doesn’t hurt and my knee works!

Diagnosis: hemarthrosis

I had hemarthrosis, the MRI was not informative enough, so I needed knee arthroscopy. David Morgenstern performed the intervention very carefully and is very pleased that he chose him.

Diagnosis: arthroscopy of the shoulder joint

After arthroscopy of the shoulder joint at Assuta MC, the pain persisted for 2 days, then it became easier, the swelling went away after a week and a half. Rehabilitation helped me return to normal life.

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Best clinics for joint treatment in Israel

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Joint treatment program in Israel

Hand surgery in Israel

  • Program duration: 61 days
  • Length of stay in Israel: 6-14 days
  • Day 1: Examination and consultation with doctors.
  • Day 2: Surgical intervention (repair of flexors and extensors).
  • Day 3-4: Initial stage of rehabilitation
    • **Consultation with a physiotherapist**: First stretching and mobilization exercises.
  • Day 5: **Discharge from the hospital** with instructions for suture care and subsequent treatment.
    • **Taking medications** to relieve pain as prescribed by a doctor.
  • Day 6-14: Return to the country and begin home rehabilitation.
    • **Visit a physical therapist**: Assess progress and adjust exercise plan.
    • **Daily Exercises**: Light stretching and mobilization exercises.
  • Day 15-30: Second stage of rehabilitation.
    • **Gradual increase in load**: Introducing muscle strengthening exercises.
  • Day 31-60: Continued rehabilitation.
    • **Complex exercises**: More complex and specific exercises are introduced under the supervision of a physiotherapist.
  • Day 60+: Online consultation with a surgeon to assess progress.

Joint replacement in Israel

  • Program duration: 60 days
  • Length of stay in Israel: 8-9 days
  • Day 1: MRI and X-ray of joints, consultation with a surgeon, anesthesiologist.
  • Day 2: Surgery
    - Morning: Arrival at the clinic, carrying out all the necessary preoperative tests.
    - Day: The shoulder replacement surgery itself.
    - Evening: Postoperative care, including patient monitoring and initiation of pain medications.
  • Day 3-4: Early rehabilitation
    - General care: Monitoring the patient's condition, pain management.
    - Beginning of physical activity: First exercises to restore joint mobility under the supervision of a physiotherapist.
  • Day 5: Continuation of inpatient treatment
    - Control examinations and tests: Assessing the effectiveness of the operation and the progress of recovery.
    - Gradually increase physical activity: Continue working with a physiotherapist.
  • Day 6: The first stage of home rehabilitation
    - Discharge from the hospital: with recommendations for home care and rehabilitation.
    - Home exercises: Light exercises to improve joint mobility and strengthen muscles.
  • Day 8-9: Returning home
  • Day 15-30: Continued rehabilitation
    - Regular visits to a physiotherapist: To adjust the exercise program and evaluate progress.
  • Day 31-60: Second stage of rehabilitation
    - Increasing the intensity of exercises: The goal is to completely restore the functions of the joint.
  • Day 60+: Long-term recovery
Treatment of joints in Israel: safe techniques and high results

Treatment of joints in IsraelTreatment of joints in Israel is a chance to get to the world’s leading orthopedists and receive help taking into account the latest advances in medicine. According to WHO statistics, 43% of the world’s population sooner or later encounters diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and over 90% of people over 70 years of age suffer from arthrosis or arthritis. Moreover, recently degenerative joint pathologies are often diagnosed in young people.

In Israel, patients have access to advanced treatment technologies, which in many cases allow them to get rid of the disease and achieve complete restoration of joint mobility and functionality of the limbs. The effectiveness of therapy is facilitated by rehabilitation at the resorts of the Dead Sea, the healing waters and mud of which have a healing effect on the joints.


Why is Israel the best country for joint treatment?

Patients who have undergone joint treatment in Israel highly rate the level of medicine in this country and recommend Israeli specialists. Among the main advantages of orthopedics in Israel:

  1. A large number of orthopedic surgeons who are internationally recognized experts and active members of the rheumatology associations of Israel, the USA, and Europe (EULAR, EUSTAR and ACR).
  2. Medical equipment of the latest modifications, including installations for CT, MRI, ultrasound, arthroscopes.
  3. Neurosurgeons, physiotherapists, traumatologists, and rehabilitation specialists are involved in drawing up a comprehensive treatment plan. This allows you to achieve the most successful results.
  4. In Israel, innovative techniques are used, including: growing cartilage tissue from patient stem cells, 3D endoprosthetics.
  5. Many medical centers conduct scientific research in the development of biological products for the treatment of joint pathologies. These medications are not available in other countries, so foreign patients have the opportunity to be the first to receive effective treatment.
  6. In Israel, much attention is paid to the rehabilitation of patients after injuries and surgical interventions. Some clinics include a patient recovery program in joint treatment in Israel.
  7. Israeli hospitals have Russian-speaking medical staff, including famous orthopedists and traumatologists. For example: orthopedic surgeons Igor Kazansky, Alexey Kalganov, Alexander Libkin, Ilya Pekarsky (Assuta Clinic), Mikhail Fishkin, Aaron Menachem, Leonid Tseytlin (Surasky Clinic).

Patients note comfortable conditions in Israeli clinics, attentive and caring treatment. Most hospitals are located in ecologically clean coastal areas of Israel. Thanks to this, patients have the opportunity to undergo a general course of recovery and enjoy a vacation in a beautiful country.

Diagnosis of joint diseases in Israel

One of the keys to successful treatment of joint diseases in Israel is accurate diagnosis using high-tech medical equipment. After a thorough examination, the doctor may prescribe a set of studies to the patient, which may include:

  1. diagnosis of joint diseases in IsraelDiagnostic arthroscopy. A minimally invasive examination of joints, which is performed using an arthroscope – a special device with a mini-camera. An enlarged image of the joint is displayed on the monitor, so the doctor has the opportunity to assess its condition and structure. If necessary, the doctor performs a joint puncture to collect synovial fluid and immediately carries out treatment. The intervention is performed through several punctures up to 5 mm.
  2. MRI and CT. Allows you to visualize the structures of the musculoskeletal system with high accuracy.
  3. Densitometry. Determination of bone density using ultrasound or x-rays.
  4. Radiography. Prescribed for changes in posture, arthrosis, suspected fractures, osteoporosis, and traumatic lesions of the spine.
  5. Study of cartilage tissue of joints. Indicated for suspected cancer.
  6. Laboratory blood tests, including general and biochemical blood tests, study of hormone levels. Tests show doctors information about the processes occurring in the patient’s body.

If the doctor suspects that a joint disease may be secondary, he prescribes tests that help detect the primary disease. For this purpose, doctors of other specializations are attracted: therapists, cardiologists, oncologists, neurosurgeons.

Treatment of joints in Israel: advanced methods and technologies

Treatment of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system in IsraelTreatment of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system in Israel meets high medical standards. Doctors successfully combine classical techniques and proprietary developments. The Assuta Clinic in Tel Aviv is recognized as one of the best medical centers for the treatment of joints. Here they offer patients treatment using unique technologies, thanks to which doctors are able to cope with the most complex cases that were not treated in other countries. Some of the techniques:

  1. 3D endoprosthetics. An innovation by Israeli orthopedists that allows you to create an ideal prosthesis for the patient. Used primarily for hip and knee replacements. Doctors use the Signature Knee computer system to obtain a three-dimensional image of the joints. Next, the endoprosthesis is modeled using a 3D printer. The advantages of the technology include:
  • precise fixation of the prosthesis;
  • full joint mobility;
  • long service life of the implant, due to which the likelihood of another operation is reduced to zero;
  • rapid recovery of the patient.
  1. APOS computer system. Allows doctors to study in detail the anatomical structure of the foot and create special orthopedic insoles. Recommended for the treatment of chronic arthritis and arthrosis.
  2. Robotic system Spine Assist. Used in disc and joint surgery. The technique allows you to visualize the structures of the spine, so the surgeon can install a prosthesis with 100% accuracy.
  3. A method for growing cartilage tissue from patient stem cells. A revolutionary technology that is very successfully used for Achilles tendon injuries.
  4. Orthokine therapy. The method is based on the injection of serum from the patient’s blood, enriched with anti-inflammatory proteins, into the joint. Treatment is aimed at stimulating the body’s natural processes. Thanks to this, cartilage tissue is restored in case of arthritis, arthrosis, osteoporosis and joint injuries.

Many foreign patients turn to Israeli surgeons for complex operations, for example: finger transplantation, limb lengthening. Orthopedic surgeons at Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem use advanced techniques to lengthen the limb, including Albizzia, which involves implanting a telescopic nail into the patient. The device includes an extension mechanism that is driven by rotation. The technology does not require the patient to be moved in a wheelchair, and therefore does not create additional restrictions.

Treatment of the hip joint in Israel

The choice of treatment methods depends on the nature and extent of joint damage. The most dangerous injury, which often occurs in older people, is considered to be a femoral neck fracture. Treatment methods in Israel differ in many ways from those used in other countries.

For drug therapy, doctors use effective drugs of the latest generation, developed by Israeli specialists. In case of severe dislocation, skeletal traction and a set of exercises are performed using continuous passive movement under the supervision of medical staff.

Treatment of the hip joint in IsraelTo make a decision on the advisability of surgical treatment of joints in Israel, a medical consultation is convened. The main types of orthopedic surgery for complex fractures include:

  1. Fixation and immersed osteosynthesis. The surgeon performs reposition of bone fragments using special pins, screws, and metal plates. A material that is biocompatible with human tissue is used, which does not cause rejection when overgrown with connective tissue.
  2. Endoprosthetics (total arthroplasty). We use exclusively high-quality trabecular metal prostheses from Biomet, JOHNSON&JOHNSON, Zimmer. The material was developed specifically for prosthetics and has the same properties as human bone. Israeli surgeons prefer a minimally invasive method of installing a prosthesis: through small incisions on the patient’s thigh.

At the Sourasky Medical Center in Tel Aviv, joint replacement is a routine procedure performed using computer simulation and intraoperative CT-guided monitoring. According to the clinic, over 95% of procedures are successful. Prosthetics are performed mainly through an anterior approach and incisions up to 7 cm.

During the intervention, the patient lies on his back, so the doctor monitors joint stability and range of motion, and compares leg length to prevent lameness. After the operation, patients get back on their feet the same day. The leading specialist at the Sourasky Clinic is Professor Aaron Menachem, who has performed over 1,000 joint replacement surgeries and is recognized as a world expert.

Treatment of the knee joint in Israel

bilateral arthroplasty in IsraelThe knee joints bear most of the load during movement, so they wear out quickly and are most often susceptible to injury. Among the most common pathologies of the knee joints, doctors call:

  • arthrosis;
  • meniscus tear;
  • damage to the anterior cruciate ligament.

Israeli orthopedists combine conservative and surgical techniques to completely restore joint mobility. Specialists from the Sheba Clinic, including leading orthopedists Gideon Burshtein, Vladislav Ogorshin, and Boaz Lieberman, have achieved excellent results in the treatment of the knee joint in Israel. Doctors perform minimally invasive arthroscopic surgeries, during which they perform procedures to treat the knee joint. Among them:

  1. Meniscectomy is the removal of part or all of the damaged meniscus.
  2. Chondroplasty is aimed at eliminating cartilage defects. A microscalpel or laser equipment is used.
  3. Implantation of artificial meniscus. They use revolutionary NUsurface implants, which do not require fixation to bone and soft tissue and allow the patient to stand on his leg on the day of the procedure. The FDA has included NUsurface prostheses as an advanced technology for patients with complex diagnoses.
  4. Implantation of autologous chondrocytes. They are carried out in 2 stages: in the first stage, stem cells are collected and then grown for 4-6 months; in the second, cells are implanted into the joint.
  5. Reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament. Most often, the patient’s own tissue (autografts) is used. In some cases, reconstruction is performed using donor tissue transplantation.

Endoprosthesis replacement for the treatment of the knee joint in Israel is performed in a minimally invasive manner using computer systems. For example, at the Herzliya Medical Center, surgeons install a prosthesis through an incision of no more than 9-15 cm (instead of 20-25 cm, as is customary in many countries). Doctors use Signature Knee 3D modeling technology and the latest generation NAVIO robotic systems. Treatment of the knee joint in Israel using the method of partial knee replacement has reduced re-interventions to zero.

Treatment of arthrosis with stem cells in Israel

Israel is one of the world leaders in the research and application of cell therapy. Treatment of joints in Israel with stem cells is effective in the treatment of arthrosis, osteoporosis, and arthritis. Doctors collect stem cells from the patient’s bone marrow, grow them in the laboratory for 1.5-2 months and inject them into the damaged joint. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated after six months.

Cell therapy aims to restore joint structure and function. Stem cells have the ability to transform into any type of cell in the body, including cartilage and bone, which are essential for healthy joints.

Treatment of joints with stem cells in Israel has a number of advantages:

  • this is a minimally invasive procedure, does not require hospitalization and rehabilitation, and takes place on an outpatient basis;
  • the treatment is absolutely safe, does not cause allergies, rejection or infection;
  • this is an effective type of joint therapy that significantly improves the quality of life of patients, eliminates pain, inflammation and limitations in joint mobility;
  • the procedure allows you to improve metabolism and the functioning of the immune system, which has a positive effect on a person’s quality of life.

Stem cell therapy for arthrosis is offered in leading medical centers in Israel, including the Rambam Medical Center in Haifa. The cost of treatment is $6880-19300.

Joint treatment methods introduced in 2023 in Israel

Among the innovative technologies developed and implemented by Israeli orthopedists:

  1. Joint replacement using the Mako Robotic ArmJoint replacement using the Mako Robotic Arm. The system creates a 3D model of the joint that fully matches the patient’s anatomy. During the intervention, the surgeon removes the damaged part of the cartilage and installs the implant under the control of a computer program. Surgeries using the Mako robot are characterized by a minimal risk of complications and rapid patient recovery.
  2. Interventions using modern navigation systems. Allows the surgeon to see a three-dimensional image of the joint in real time and accurately fix the prosthesis.
  3. Arthroscopic interventions for ruptures of the acetabular labrum of the hip joint. These are the most complex orthopedic operations that require great skill and precision from the surgeon. The doctor performs manipulations through incisions up to 1 cm, restores or partially removes the acetabular lip.

To find out which clinics offer such procedures, you must contact Experts Medical coordinating doctors. They have complete information about the methods and prices of joint treatment in Israel and will recommend the best clinic based on the disease.

Treatment of joints in Israel: cost

Treatment of joints in Israel: costThe price of treatment for joint diseases in Israel is calculated based on the following conditions:

  • chosen method of therapy;
  • hospital pricing policy;
  • number of days spent in the clinic;
  • qualifications and popularity of the doctor;
  • rehabilitation plan.

Estimated cost of joint treatment in Israel:

  • consultation with an orthopedist-traumatologist – from $350-450;
  • hip replacement – from $12,300-17,000;
  • knee joint replacement – from $10,400-13,000;
  • ankle arthroscopy – from $6300-9500;
  • stem cell therapy for arthrosis – from $6800-19300.

On the Experts Medical website you can find prices for joint treatment in Israel in different clinics and read real reviews.

How to go to Israel for joint treatment?

go to Israel for joint treatmentIn order to organize a trip for joint treatment in Israel as quickly as possible, you need to contact the Experts Medical coordinators in any convenient way.

The patient is guaranteed to receive a range of services from the company’s consultants:

  • they will provide complete information about the best clinics, features and cost of joint treatment in Israel;
  • will help you choose a treating doctor and prepare medical documentation for the doctor to review;
  • organize a preliminary consultation with the doctor, at which the patient can ask all questions;
  • book hotel rooms and air tickets, arrange transfers.

With the support of Experts Medical, joint treatment in Israel will be as comfortable, organized and cost-free for the patient as possible, while the coordinator will be in touch with him 24/7.

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We help with paperwork and communication with charitable foundations. Our patients have already received help in the amount of $1,4 mln since 2018.
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The information on the page is provided for informational purposes only. It is not a guide to action and should not be considered as medical advice or recommendations for treatment from All decisions about the choice of treatment methods and medical care should be made only by a specialized doctor after examining the patient's medical situation.