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Professor Tamar Safra is an oncologist, specialist in radiotherapy, head of the gynecological oncology service of the Sourasky State Medical Center (Ichilov). She also runs a private practice at the Assuta Clinic.
She takes part in international studies to increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy and reduce its side effects.
She is the author of more than 70 scientific papers published in international journals.
Membership in professional organizations:
Professor Moshe Inbar is a highly professional Israeli oncologist.
Specialization: liver cancer, genitourinary cancer, carcinoma, heart cancer, larynx cancer, stomach cancer, adenocarcinoma, intestinal cancer, breast cancer, squamous cell cancer, etc.
Moshe Inbar graduated from the medical faculty of the Hebrew State University in Jerusalem. Dr. Inbar improved his qualifications in well-known medical institutions: the Institute of Immune Genetics at the Paul Briusse Hospital (France), the Anderson Medical Center in Houston (USA). cancer center named after Sloan-Kettering in New York, (USA). Moshe Inbar completed his radiation therapy residency at the British clinic – Royal Marsden Hospital.
While engaged in scientific and teaching activities at Tel Aviv State University, Moshe Inbar received the title of professor of oncology. At the moment, he continues training future doctors.
Membership in medical associations:
Professor Dan Grisaro is Israel’s leading specialist in the diagnosis and treatment of oncogynecological diseases (ovarian cancer, uterine cancer, cervical cancer).
Conducts research to identify the causes of cervical cancer, as well as analysis of inguinal lymph nodes for the diagnosis of ovarian cancer to study early markers and determine targeted therapy.
Academic experience:
Scientific activity and publications:
Professor Dan Grisaro has given 39 presentations at scientific conferences and is the author of 83 published scientific articles in various professional journals.
Member of medical societies:
Mordechai Goldenberg is a specialist in laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, endometriosis treatment and endoscopy.
Winner of the first prize “Golden hysteroscope” of the international congress of endoscopic gynecology in 1998 and 2000.
Education and experience:
Author of more than 100 scientific works.
Membership in international organizations:
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Treatment of uterine cancer in Israel is one of the most effective thanks to modern methods of examining patients, therapy, and the experience of doctors. Oncologists at Israeli clinics use advanced chemotherapy drugs, the latest generation of radiation therapy equipment, and innovative hormonal and immunotherapy.
Foreign patients often choose Israeli hospitals for cancer diagnosis, surgery and treatment. Among the main advantages of uterine cancer treatment in Israel:
Patients need to know! According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cervical cancer is one of those types of cancer that responds well to treatment. Provided that it is detected at an early stage and treated properly. Uterine cancer detected in advanced stages can also be kept under control through innovative treatment and palliative care.
To accurately diagnose uterine cancer, the following methods are used:
For laboratory tests, patients undergo blood and urine tests. If necessary, doctors can prescribe a test for tumor markers. This helps to select treatment options for each case of uterine cancer more accurately.
Often, patients who find out about their diagnosis in the hospital at their place of residence come to Israeli clinics. To conduct additional examinations and effective treatment, they turn to Israeli specialists. The main reason why patients choose cervical cancer treatment in Israel is access to modern medical technologies.
The treatment method for cervical cancer in Israel is personalized and depends on the type and degree of the tumor process. In the earliest stages of the disease, surgery or a combination of radiation and chemotherapy may be used. In more advanced stages, the main treatment usually combines radiation and chemotherapy.
Key treatment methods for cervical cancer in Israel:
The effectiveness of treatment for cervical cancer in Israel reaches 97% with early detection of the disease. Preference is given to gentle techniques that allow maximum preservation of the uterus and its functionality.
Patients who come to Israel for treatment receive a preliminary consultation with an oncologist and together with him choose treatment methods.
Advanced surgical techniques provide various surgical options that are available to foreign patients for the effective treatment of uterine cancer in Israel.
To treat precancerous conditions of the cervix, one of two types of procedures is used:
This is a type of ablation in which the doctor inserts a metal medical device into the cervix. By directly affecting the area with the tumor, it is frozen.
Cryosurgery is often used to treat cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN). The procedure can be performed in a clinic without hospitalization.
The doctor uses a medical device to direct a focused laser beam through the vagina to vaporize abnormal cells. The procedure may be performed in a doctor’s office under local anesthesia or in an operating room under general anesthesia.
This is a type of radiation therapy in which the source of radiation is in direct contact with the tumor. Vaginal brachytherapy is often used to help prevent the recurrence of endometrial cancer in the upper part of the vagina after hysterectomy. The principle of the method is that an applicator containing radioactive material is inserted into the vagina.
The doctor removes a cone-shaped piece of abnormal tissue from the cervix. This tissue, removed in the cone, includes the area where cervical cancer often develops. Cone biopsy is used not only to diagnose precancerous conditions but also It can also be used as a treatment, as it can sometimes wholly remove early cancers. The procedure can be carried out in different ways:
In modern medicine, doctors perform the following two main operations to treat invasive cervical cancer:
Depending on the patient’s condition and her desire to become pregnant and have a child, doctors decide on the method of removing the cancerous tumor. The choice of technique is also influenced by the aggressiveness of the cancer and the degree of its spread throughout the body.
In a simple hysterectomy, the doctor removes the uterus (both the uterine body and the cervix) but not the structures adjacent to the organ (the parametrium and uterosacral ligaments). The vagina and pelvic lymph nodes are not removed. The ovaries are usually retained unless there is another reason to remove them.
Such treatment in Israel is most often carried out laparoscopically or with the help of a robotic assistant. This minimizes trauma to surrounding tissues. As a rule, hospitalization lasts no more than 2 days.
During the operation, the surgeon removes the uterus along with the tissues next to it (parametrium and uterosacral ligaments), the cervix and the upper part (about 2-3 cm) of the vagina next to the organ. The ovaries are not removed unless there is another medical reason. A radical hysterectomy removes more tissue than a simple hysterectomy, so your hospital stay may be more extended. At this time, some nearby lymph nodes will be removed and checked for cancer.
This procedure is usually performed through an incision in the abdomen (open surgery). This sometimes involves removing some of the pelvic lymph nodes (lymph node dissection).
Radical hysterectomy can also be performed using laparoscopy or robotic assist. In this case, the patient takes into account the cost of treatment for cervical cancer in Israel and, together with the doctor, makes the final choice of the surgical method.
Trachelectomy surgery allows women to undergo treatment without losing their ability to have children. The intervention is carried out either through the vagina or through the abdominal cavity, sometimes using laparoscopy.
During this procedure, the doctor removes the cervix and the upper part of the vagina but not the body of the uterus itself. The surgeon then places a permanent “purse string” suture into the uterine cavity to close the opening of the organ, as the cervix normally does.
After a trachelectomy, some women are able to carry their pregnancy to term and give birth to a healthy baby by cesarean section. However, women who have this surgery may have a higher risk of miscarriage.
This operation is performed in special cases when cervical cancer recurs. The surgeon removes all the same organs and tissues as in a radical hysterectomy with pelvic lymph node dissection. In addition, the bladder, vagina, rectum and part of the colon are also removed, depending on where the cancer has spread.
This is a procedure in which the surgeon removes only those lymph nodes where the cancer first appeared. To do this, the doctor injects a radioactive substance or a special dye into the cervix at the beginning of the operation. Lymphatic vessels will carry these substances along the same path as cancer. The first lymph node) that receives the dye or radioactive substance will be the sentinel node. Removing only one or a few lymph nodes reduces the risk of side effects from surgery, such as leg swelling (lymphedema).
Sentinel lymph node mapping may be considered in some cases for the treatment of stage I cervical cancer. It is best used for tumors smaller than 2 cm.
The exact price for all medical services will depend on the volume of procedures, including diagnostics. To select the most appropriate treatment option, Israeli oncologists may perform additional tests, which will affect the overall cost of cervical cancer treatment in Israel.
For example, FoundationOne Heme is available in Israeli hospitals. This is a special tumor test to check for genetic mutations. The study allows us to determine which targeted or immunotherapy drug will be appropriate in each specific case.
Examples of prices for medical procedures in Israeli clinics:
To find out more about the cost of surgical treatment or prices for cancer immunotherapy drugs, leave a request on the Experts Medical website.
On the Experts Medical website, you can find descriptions of clinics. Here, you can leave a request for the medical institution you like and read real reviews about cervical treatment in Israel.
Experts Medical cooperates only with trusted and accredited medical centers, so you can contact those doctors who have the best success in treating cervical cancer in Israel, which is supported by reviews from our patients.
Among the most popular clinics for foreign patients for the treatment of malignant neoplasms in the uterus are Herzliya MC, Beilinson, and Assuta. All modern medical technologies that are available for treatment to women from other countries are presented here.
For detailed information and assistance in organizing your trip, contact Experts Medical consultants for free assistance. You will be able to go to Israel for treatment of uterine cancer in the shortest possible time and without unnecessary overpayments.