Yitzhak Rabin Medical Center - TREATMENT IN ISRAEL
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Medical specialties
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Medical specialties
  • RUS
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Price level Medium
JCI American Medical Facility Accreditation
JCI American Medical Facility Accreditation
Best Smart Hospitals in the World
Best Smart Hospitals in the World
patients per year
year of foundation
surgery per year
hospitalizations per year
patients per year
year of foundation
surgery per year
hospitalizations per year
About clinic

The Yitzhak Rabin Medical Center (Beilinson Hospital), one of the largest medical institutions in Israel, includes Beilinson and Hasharon hospitals. Since its opening, the Center has been working with the most modern methods and technologies, setting new standards for treatment. The institution is not only engaged in medical activities, but also serves as the clinical base of the medical faculty of Tel Aviv University, and the Center's specialists are actively engaged in research and development.

Beilinson and Hasharon hospitals meet world-class standards in the field of medical care and the use of innovative technologies. Rabin Medical Center was one of the first in Israel accredited by the JCI (Joint Commission International) not only as a diagnostic and treatment center, but also as an academic medical center.

The Center’s credo is “People for People” reflecting as precisely as possible the idea that technology, no matter which heights it has reached, always remains just a tool in the hands of man. In addition, along with professionalism and impeccable quality of service, taking care of the comfort of the patient and his companions is one of the priorities of the Rabin Medical Center.

The best specialties of the hospital
Patients reviews
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Diagnosis: Kidney carcinoma

I would like to thank Professor Baniel, Doctor Nado and all the staff of the urology department of the Rabin Medical Center. They removed a kidney carcinoma from my dad with damage to the aorta and metastases in the lymph nodes. My father is no longer young, and for him the operation was complicated, but everything went fine. During the entire rehabilitation period, my father was always surrounded with care and attention. Thank you all for a great job!

Diagnosis: стеноз левой коронарной артерии

Услышав, что у меня стеноз левой коронарной артерии, я пребывала в шоковом состоянии. Рекомендации специалистов сделать шунтирование восприняла, как приговор. Родня настаивала, чтобы я пролечилась именно за границей. Никогда раньше я не выезжала за рубеж, поэтому очень боялась, а тем более, ехать нужно было на лечение. Однако, по приезде в Израиль, меня встретила приятная девушка – русскоязычный координатор Вика. Она помогла мне добраться до медцентра, куда я направлялась. Там меня прооперировали. Все прошло без осложнений. Я не жалею, что поехала именно в этот центр, поскольку убедилась, насколько профессионально и слаженно здесь работают не только специалисты, но и весь персонал. Особая благодарность профессору Шмуэлю Фуксу. Спасибо всем за внимание к моей персоне. «Рабин» – это то учреждение, в котором работают настоящие профессионалы!

Diagnosis: Gastroenterology

This is a friendly, professional and very convenient in all respects modern medical center. One of the best in Israel. It is not inferior and even surpasses in many ways the state hospital Tel a Shomer

Diagnosis: Онкология

Мне необходимо было сделать томографию. После того, как я это сделала, мне нужно было ждать, что скажет доктор. После МРТ чувствовала себя нормально, но волновалась о результатах. Мой лечащий эндокринолог, доктор Гурштейн – наш соотечественник, считающийся одним из лучших в клинике. Это мнение подтверждено экзаменационными результатами, которые врачи получают регулярно. УЗИ мне делала приветливая женщина, которой за 60. Оказывается, это Майя Коэн – врач, которой нет равных. За многолетнюю практику израильский доктор показала, что умеет справиться с любым пациентом, шутя и подбадривая, несмотря на желание некоторых пациентов покинуть ее кабинет из-за боязни услышать нечто неприятное о своей болезни. Невозможно умолчать и о русскоязычном координаторе Анне, умеющей успокоить, поддержать, уговорить и все грамотно организовать. Огромная благодарность! Друзья! Дай вам Бог избежать любое подозрение на онкологическое заболевание. Но если уж случится, что таковой диагноз поставлен, не стоит тратить время и деньги на другие клиники, сразу отправляйтесь в Израильский онкоцентр.Из личного блога пациентки (выдержка приводится с ее разрешения)

Diagnosis: breast cancer

Два года назад узнала о том, что у меня рак груди. К счастью, выявили опухоль, пока она не успела дать метастазы. Я осознавала, что очень ограничена во времени и нужно срочно принимать решение. Посоветовавшись со знакомыми, приняла решение поехать в Израиль, где мне впоследствии провели операцию по удалению и реконструкции груди. Я находилась под наблюдением у профессора Ринат Ерушальми, которая оказалась не только хорошим врачом, но и замечательным человеком. Также в этот период удалось поездить по Израилю и посмотреть достопримечательности, что помогло немного отвлечься. Сейчас каждые полгода приезжаю на проверку и продолжаю совмещать ее с отдыхом.

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Help pay for treatment
Experts Medical cooperates with foreign funds that help our patients pay for treatment
You can receive compensation up to 20,000 euros for the treatment of a patient under the age of 18
Cost of diagnostics and operations
Medical consultation from 400 $ Enquire price
Online second opinion from 650 $ Enquire price
PET CT 2100 - 3500 $ Enquire price
Coronary angiography 5000 - 6500 $ Enquire price
MRI 800 - 1500$ Enquire price
CT with contrast 600 - 1000$ Enquire price
Laboratory analysis 50 - 1000 $ Enquire price
Histology review 300 - 1000 $ Enquire price
Online second opinion from 650 $ Enquire price
Cyber Knife (radiotherapy) 9 000 - 13 000 $ Enquire price
High-dose bone marrow transplant chemotherapy 77000 - 130 000 $ Enquire price
Chemotherapy 6500 - 9300 $ Enquire price
Tumor biopsy 7500 - 12 000 $ Enquire price
Histology review 300 - 1000 $ Enquire price
PET CT with oncologist consultation 2100 - 3500 $ Enquire price
Mastectomy 12000 - 14 800 $ Enquire price
Immunotherapy 60 000 - 256 000 $ Enquire price
Da Vinci Robotic System 17800 - 23 500 $ Enquire price
Cervical tumor removal 12 000 - 18 000 $ Enquire price
TUR (Transurethral resection of the prostate) 12 000 - 17 500 $ Enquire price
Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (related donor) 174 000 - 271000 $ Enquire price
Bone marrow biopsy 5000 - 7500 $ Enquire price
High-dose bone marrow transplant chemotherapy 80 000 - 93 000 $ Enquire price
PET CT 2100 - 3500 $ Enquire price
Cardiologist consultation 380 $ Enquire price
Coronary angiography 3800 - 6700 $ Enquire price
Coronary stenting 15 000 - 18 300 $ Enquire price
Coronary bypass 21 000 - 24 000$ Enquire price
Heart valve replacement 23 200 - 26 700 $ Enquire price
Heart MRI 800 - 1500 $ Enquire price
Surgical treatment of intervertebral hernia 15 300 - 17 500$ Enquire price
Brain MRI 800 - 1500 $ Enquire price
Brain tumor removal 23 300 - 27 500 $ Enquire price
Lumbar discectomy 10 500 - 14 130 $ Enquire price
Orthopedist-traumatologist сonsultation 350 - 450 $ Enquire price
Hip replacement 12 300 - 16 900 $ Enquire price
Knee replacement 10 400 - 13 100 $ Enquire price
Ankle arthroscopy 6300 - 9500 $ Enquire price
Upper extremities Bioelectric prostheses 45 000 - 50 000 $ Enquire price
Scoliosis surgery 42 000 - 49 000 $ Enquire price
Arthrosis stem cell therapy 6 880 - 19 300 $ Enquire price
Lens replacement (cataract treatment) 5300 - 7500$ Enquire price
Keratoplasty (corneal transplant) 8 300 - 9 400$ Enquire price
Crosslinking for 1 eye 7 300 - 8 200 $ Enquire price
I Lasik (2 eyes) 4 200 - 5 500 $ Enquire price
Prosthetic eye 3 500 - 4 500$ Enquire price
PRK Photorefractive keratectomy (2 eyes) 4 800 - 5500 $ Enquire price
Childbirth 3 500 - 5 200 $ Enquire price
IVF 9 065 - 10 500 $ Enquire price
Complete diagnosis of epilepsy 8 200 - 9 300 $ Enquire price
Deep brain stimulation 20 000 - 28 000 $ Enquire price
Multiple Sclerosis Treatment 2 300 - 3 900 $ Enquire price
Parkinson's Disease Treatment 2 100 - 3 600 $ Enquire price
Best clinic's doctors
Professor Uretski Gideon
Work experience:


  • Israeli Hematology Association,
  • American Hematology Association (American Society of Hematology)
Ask question
Doctor Amir Shlomai
Hepatologist, transplant specialist
Work experience: 18 years


  • Israeli Society for the Study of the Liver,
  • European Association for the Study of the Liver,
  • American Association for the Study of the Liver,
  • Israeli Society of Microbiology.
Ask question
Doctor Ram Sharoni
Heart surgeon
Work experience:


  • Israel Cardiological Society,
  • European Society of Cardiothoracic Surgery.
Ask question
Doctor Alex Geller
Work experience:

Member of the

  • American Society for Gastroenterological Endoscopy,
  • Israeli Society for Gastroenterology and Liver Diseases.

In addition, he is the international editor of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy.

Ask question
Doctor Victor Rubchevsky
Cardiologist, cardiac surgeon
Work experience:

He is a member of the Israeli Society of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery.

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Doctor Moshe Yeshurun
Work experience:


  • Israeli Hematology Association,
  • European Bone Marrow Transplantation Association.
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Check the cost of treatment and get 20 000 € from international foundation

Get financial help up to 20 000 € for your child treatment

Calculate the cost of treatment abroad
1 How old is the patient?
older than 60
Your discount: €0
Nataliia Storozhenko

Medical consultant

Please, answer a few questions to evaluate the possibility of paying for treatment for you and get individual advice on financing options.
Calculate the cost of treatment abroad
2 What is the patient's diagnosis?
Rare diseases
Your discount: €40
Calculate the cost of treatment abroad
3 What kind of treatment is recommended?
Brain or vertebral surgery
General (abdominal) surgery
Orthopedic surgery
Plastic surgery
Online consultation with a foreign doctor
Your discount: €80
Calculate the cost of treatment abroad
4 In which country are you planning to undergo treatment?
Your discount: €120
Calculate the cost of treatment abroad
5 When do you plan to go for treatment?
Less than 10 days
10 - 30 days
1 - 2 months
More than 2 months
Your discount: €160
Calculate the cost of treatment abroad
Phone number
from €1800
Your discount: €200

Turkish oncologist will provide an individual chemotherapy program.

Doctor-consultant will select the best specialist, draw up an individual price offer for you and help you at all stages of organizing and undergoing treatment.
from €5800
Your discount: €200

Israeli oncologist will provide an individual chemotherapy program.

Doctor-consultant will select the best specialist, draw up an individual price offer for you and help you at all stages of organizing and undergoing treatment.
from €4800
Your discount: €200

Spanish oncologist will provide an individual chemotherapy program.

Doctor-consultant will select the best specialist, draw up an individual price offer for you and help you at all stages of organizing and undergoing treatment.
from €7800
Your discount: €200

German oncologist will prepare an individual chemotherapy program.

Doctor-consultant will select the best specialist, draw up an individual price offer for you and help you at all stages of organizing and undergoing treatment.
from €1800
Your discount: €200

Polish oncologist will prepare an individual chemotherapy program.

Doctor-consultant will select the best specialist, draw up an individual price offer for you and help you at all stages of organizing and undergoing treatment.
from €3800
Your discount: €200

Italian oncologist will prepare an individual chemotherapy program.

Doctor-consultant will select the best specialist, draw up an individual price offer for you and help you at all stages of organizing and undergoing treatment.
from €4800
Your discount: €200

Turkish radiologist will prepare a personalized radiation therapy program

Doctor-consultant will select the best specialist and help at all stages of organizing and undergoing radiation therapy.
from €6800
Your discount: €200

Israeli radiologist will draw up an individual radiation therapy program.

Doctor-consultant will select the best specialist and help at all stages of organizing and undergoing radiation therapy.
from €6800
Your discount: €200

German radiologist will draw up an individual radiation therapy program.

Doctor-consultant will select the best specialist and help at all stages of organizing and undergoing radiation therapy.
from €4800
Your discount: €200

Spanish radiologist will draw up an individual radiation therapy program.

Doctor-consultant will select the best specialist and help at all stages of organizing and undergoing radiation therapy.
from €4800
Your discount: €200

Polish radiologist will prepare an individual radiation therapy program.

Doctor-consultant will select the best specialist and help at all stages of organizing and undergoing radiation therapy.
from €4800
Your discount: €200

Italian radiologist will draw up an individual radiation therapy program.

Doctor-consultant will select the best specialist and help at all stages of organizing and undergoing radiation therapy.
from €1800
Your discount: €200

Turkish plastic surgeon will make an individual operation program.

Doctor-consultant will select the best doctor for your renewed beauty.
from €4800
Your discount: €200

German plastic surgeon will make an individual operation program.

Doctor-consultant will select the best doctor for your renewed beauty.
from €4800
Your discount: €200

Israeli plastic surgeon will make an individual operation program.

Doctor-consultant will select the best doctor for your renewed beauty.
from €2800
Your discount: €200

Italian plastic surgeon will make an individual operation program.

Doctor-consultant will select the best doctor for your renewed beauty.
from €1300
Your discount: €200

Polish plastic surgeon will make an individual operation program.

Doctor-consultant will select the best doctor for your renewed beauty.
from €2800
Your discount: €200

Spanish plastic surgeon will make an individual operation program.

Doctor-consultant will select the best doctor for your renewed beauty.
from €6800
Your discount: €200

Turkish orthopedic surgeon will make an individual operation program.

Doctor-consultant will select the best specialist and help at all stages of organizing and undergoing surgical treatment.
from €9800
Your discount: €200

Israeli orthopedic surgeon will make an individual operation program.

Doctor-consultant will select the best specialist and help at all stages of organizing and undergoing surgical treatment.
from €9800
Your discount: €200

German orthopedic surgeon will make an individual operation program.

Doctor-consultant will select the best specialist and help at all stages of organizing and undergoing surgical treatment.
from €6800
Your discount: €200

Italian orthopedic surgeon will make an individual operation program.

Doctor-consultant will select the best specialist and help at all stages of organizing and undergoing surgical treatment.
from €4800
Your discount: €200

Lithuanian orthopedic surgeon will make an individual operation program.

Doctor-consultant will select the best specialist and help at all stages of organizing and undergoing surgical treatment.
from €4800
Your discount: €200

Polish orthopedic surgeon will make an individual operation program.

Doctor-consultant will select the best specialist and help at all stages of organizing and undergoing surgical treatment.
from €800
Your discount: €200

Ukrainian orthopedic surgeon will make an individual operation program.

Doctor-consultant will select the best specialist and help at all stages of organizing and undergoing surgical treatment.
from €5800
Your discount: €200

Spanish orthopedic surgeon will make an individual operation program.

Doctor-consultant will select the best specialist and help at all stages of organizing and undergoing surgical treatment.
from €14800
Your discount: €200

Turkish neurosurgeon will study the medical situation and give recommendations for treatment.

Doctor-consultant will select the best specialist and help at all stages of organizing and undergoing surgical treatment.
from €19800
Your discount: €200

Israeli neurosurgeon will study the medical situation and give recommendations for treatment.

Doctor-consultant will select the best specialist and help at all stages of organizing and undergoing surgical treatment.
from €19800
Your discount: €200

German neurosurgeon will study the medical situation and give recommendations for treatment.

Doctor-consultant will select the best specialist and help at all stages of organizing and undergoing surgical treatment.
from €14800
Your discount: €200

Italian neurosurgeon will study the medical situation and give recommendations for treatment.

Doctor-consultant will select the best specialist and help at all stages of organizing and undergoing surgical treatment.
from €9800
Your discount: €200

Lithuanian neurosurgeon will study the medical situation and give recommendations for treatment.

Doctor-consultant will select the best specialist and help at all stages of organizing and undergoing surgical treatment.
from €9800
Your discount: €200

Spanish neurosurgeon will study the medical situation and give recommendations for treatment.

Doctor-consultant will select the best specialist and help at all stages of organizing and undergoing surgical treatment.
from €1300
Your discount: €200

Ukrainian neurosurgeon will study the medical situation and give recommendations for treatment.

Doctor-consultant will select the best specialist and help at all stages of organizing and undergoing surgical treatment.
from €200
Your discount: €200

Turksih doctor will answer your questions

If you have doubts about your treatment recommendation or are unsure about your diagnosis, one of the best foreign doctors may answer your questions.
from €700
Your discount: €200

Israeli doctor will answer your questions

If you have doubts about your treatment recommendation or are unsure about your diagnosis, one of the best foreign doctors may answer your questions.
from €400
Your discount: €200

German doctor will answer your questions

If you have doubts about your treatment recommendation or are unsure about your diagnosis, one of the best foreign doctors may answer your questions.
from €400
Your discount: €200

Italian doctor will answer your questions

If you have doubts about your treatment recommendation or are unsure about your diagnosis, one of the best foreign doctors may answer your questions.
from €300
Your discount: €200

Polish doctor will answer your questions

If you have doubts about your treatment recommendation or are unsure about your diagnosis, one of the best foreign doctors may answer your questions.
from €200
Your discount: €200

Ukrainian doctor will answer your questions

If you have doubts about your treatment recommendation or are unsure about your diagnosis, one of the best foreign doctors may answer your questions.
from €400
Your discount: €200

Spanish doctor will answer your questions

If you have doubts about your treatment recommendation or are unsure about your diagnosis, one of the best foreign doctors may answer your questions.
from €9800
Your discount: €200

Israeli orthopedic surgeon prepare an individual surgical plan and recomendations

Doctor-consultant will select the best specialist and help at all stages of organizing and undergoing surgical treatment.
from €7800
Your discount: €200

Turkish orthopedic surgeon prepare an individual surgical plan and recomendations

Doctor-consultant will select the best specialist and help at all stages of organizing and undergoing surgical treatment.
from €9800
Your discount: €200

German orthopedic surgeon prepare an individual surgical plan and recomendations

Doctor-consultant will select the best specialist and help at all stages of organizing and undergoing surgical treatment.
from €6800
Your discount: €200

Italian orthopedic surgeon prepare an individual surgical plan and recomendations

Doctor-consultant will select the best specialist and help at all stages of organizing and undergoing surgical treatment.
from €4800
Your discount: €200

Lithuanian orthopedic surgeon prepare an individual surgical plan and recomendations

Doctor-consultant will select the best specialist and help at all stages of organizing and undergoing surgical treatment.
from €4800
Your discount: €200

Polish orthopedic surgeon prepare an individual surgical plan and recomendations

Doctor-consultant will select the best specialist and help at all stages of organizing and undergoing surgical treatment.
from €5800
Your discount: €200

Spanish orthopedic surgeon prepare an individual surgical plan and recomendations

Doctor-consultant will select the best specialist and help at all stages of organizing and undergoing surgical treatment.
from €200
Your discount: €200

Lithuanian doctor will answer your questions

If you have doubts about your treatment recommendation or are unsure about your diagnosis, one of the best foreign doctors may answer your questions.

After examining your situation, doctor will make an individual price offer.

Doctor-consultant will answer all your questions about the cost of treatment, the choice of a doctor and fully organize treatment abroad.

Additional services
Transfer from / to the airport
Help with visa
Personal assistant
Wi-Fi Internet
Apartments and avia tickets booking
Accommodation of an accompanying person
One-man room
Video about clinic
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  • Saint Lucia (+1758)
  • Dominica (+1767)
  • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (+1784)
  • Puerto Rico (+1787, 1-939)
  • Dominican Republic (+1809, 1-829, 1-849)
  • Trinidad and Tobago (+1868)
  • Saint Kitts and Nevis (+1869)
  • Jamaica (+1876)
  • Guernsey (+441481)
  • Jersey (+441534)
  • Isle of Man (+441624)
Clinic on the map
Why do patients prefer Beilinson Hospital?

Beilinson clinic: treatment in IsraelBeilinson is the leading multidisciplinary public clinic in Israel. It is located in the city of Petah Tikva. It is part of the Yitzhak Rabin Medical Center. It is founded in 1924. Beilinson Hospital is focused on patients from all over the world.

The hospital covers all medical areas. The hospital structure includes:

  • 179 branches;
  • 37 operating blocks;
  • 1,000 specialists;
  • 1,422 fixed places;
  • 3,088 operations annually;
  • 500,000 patients annually, of which 100,000 are inpatients.


  1. Vast experience in complex operations. For example, the center performs 70% of organ transplantations and 20% of oncological surgeries in Israel.
  2. Israel’s leading specialists work in the hospital, many of whom are part of the world’s medical elite.
  3. A unique diagnostic base allows for achieving the accuracy of diagnosis up to 100%.
  4. The budget of the hospital allows having the most efficient equipment in the world today.
  5. An integrated approach to the treatment of complex diseases.
  6. Research work on the development and implementation of the latest technologies. There is also an innovation laboratory.
  7. Advanced equipment, possession of unique techniques, and high professionalism of the medical staff guarantee a successful result.
  8. The first blood bank in Israel was created on the basis of the hospital.
  9. Own Institute of Genetics, which screens for many types of diseases.
  10. They perform unique children’s operations on the heart, lungs, and spine at the stage of the fetus in the womb to eliminate serious illnesses.
  11. Air ambulance.
  12. An individual coordinator-translator for each foreign patient who accompanies the latter to all procedures.
  13. Patients from abroad and accompanying persons live in a rehabilitation center on the territory of the medical center or in a hotel. You also have the option to choose your doctor.
  14. The safety of medical services and the high level of service are confirmed by the JCI certificate.
In what cases should patients come for treatment at Beilinson Hospital?

cancer treatment at the Beilinson clinicBeilinson Medical Center specialists provide qualified medical care in accordance with international protocols in all areas.

Foreign patients most often choose Beilinson, given the achievements in certain areas of medicine, including:

  1. Treatment of cancer. Diagnosis and treatment of pathologies are performed at the Davidov Cancer Center, one of the largest oncology clinics in Israel. Patients have access to innovative diagnostic equipment and 7 linear accelerators for radiation therapy. Some of these devices have no analogs in Israel. Treatment is carried out in a complex, using advanced techniques, for example:
  • biological therapy – the introduction into the body of immune cells that can recognize and destroy malignant neoplasms;
  • proton therapy is a type of radiation therapy that has a high success rate and does not cause major complications.
  1. Treatment of gynecological diseases. All types of diseases of the female sphere are treated at the Helen Schneider Hospital, which is part of the Beilinson Center. The hospital specialists have extensive experience in the successful treatment of gynecological oncology, infertility, and management of high-risk pregnancies. The hospital features a maternity ward with 82 comfortable rooms for pregnant women and young mothers.
  2. Genetic counseling. At the Recanati Institute of Genetics, using revolutionary equipment, all types of genetic analyzes are carried out, including immunohistochemical studies, FISH and CISH analyzes, and others. The possibilities of molecular diagnostics at the center allow timely detection and prevention of genetic mutations and other changes in DNA.
Why do patients come to Beilinson Hospital for operations?

Beilinson clinic: surgical operationsThe Department of Surgery operates in 2 areas: general surgery and oncosurgery. Surgeons perform all types of elective and emergency operations, many of which are unique.

Specialists of the medical center underwent internships in the world’s best clinics. The department has modern operating rooms equipped with advanced equipment for performing the most complex surgical interventions, including:

  • system for low-traumatic robotic operations Da Vinci;
  • laparoscopic equipment for gentle operations;
  • intraoperative ultrasound for clear visualization during operations on internal organs;
  • x-ray and laser equipment.

The surgeons of the Yitzhak Rabin Clinic perform the most complex operations to remove tumors, preferring laparoscopic and robotic patient-friendly methods.

When surgically treating oncological diseases, specialists prefer to perform organ-preserving operations. Almost all doctors in the surgical department conduct scientific activities and teach surgery at Tel Aviv University.

Why do patients choose the Beilinson Medical Center for the treatment of children?

treatment of children at Beilinson Medical CenterTreatment of children from 0 to 18 years old is carried out at Schneider Hospital, which is part of the Beilinson structure. It is recognized as one of the leaders in world pediatrics. The Schneider Center is considered the reference center in Israel for the treatment of pediatric oncology and hematology, cardiology, endocrinology, and diabetes, as well as organ and bone marrow transplantation.

The accuracy of diagnosis, effective medical intervention, and therapy at the Schneider Hospital provide the most favorable prognosis even with the most difficult diagnoses in a child.

For the treatment of oncohematological diseases in children, the specialists of the medical center use the latest technologies:

  1. Proton therapy is a method of radiation therapy, which is used only in 32 clinics in the world. By using this technology, irradiation is carried out using a synchrotron, in which protons are accelerated to a speed close to the speed of light. Penetrating into tissues, they destroy damaged cells. Unlike conventional radiation therapy, proton radiation therapy is safer for the body. Healthy tissues through which the beam passes do not receive a dose of radiation, radioactive release occurs only near the tumor. The exposure time is less than a minute. Side effects with proton therapy are rarely recorded.
  2. Intrathecal chemotherapy. During the procedure, the doctor injects drugs into the cerebrospinal fluid for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

When treating many blood diseases, doctors perform all types of bone marrow transplantations, provided that the child’s body does not respond to chemotherapy. Having your own Blood Bank greatly simplifies the waiting time for the operation.

Doctors at the Schneider Children’s Center are constantly improving therapeutic methods so that most children have every chance of recovery. To maintain the psychological state of the child, many procedures, including radiation therapy sessions, are performed on an outpatient basis.

Schneider Clinic features:

  1. The largest cardiac catheterization department for children in the country, which performs 50% of catheter surgeries in Israel.
  2. The only department of pediatric electrophysiology in Israel, where children’s arrhythmia is treated. Also in this department, the most complex intrauterine ablation procedures for arrhythmias in the fetus are performed. Each year, doctors perform 2,000 echocardiograms on children before they are born.
  3. The largest pediatric epilepsy hospital in Israel, whose specialists successfully perform surgical treatment of the disease. With the help of minimally invasive methods, doctors remove the part of the brain in which convulsions originate.
  4. Clinic for the treatment of the spine, which has accumulated unique experience in the surgical treatment of scoliosis. The medical center performs complex operations for severe forms of scoliosis and kyphosis. Conservative treatment with corsets is also in demand. Orthopedic doctors surgically build muscle, correct joint dislocations, and perform muscle and tendon transplantation procedures. The center is equipped with the latest equipment for the rehabilitation of children. Orthopedic surgeons perform operations for congenital deformities of the foot and hand and differences in the length of the limbs.
  5. The Center for Endocrinology and Diabetes is conducting research on the development of an artificial pancreas to improve the quality of life of children with diabetes. Rare endocrine diseases are also successfully treated here.

For small patients who have been treated for complex pathologies in the hospital, consultations, and supervision by the attending physician are available after the end of therapy.


What organ transplantation surgeries are available at Beilinson Hospital?

organ transplantation at the Beilinson clinicIn the organ transplantation department, using unique techniques, transplantations of internal organs are performed with a success rate of 100%. Thanks to the skill of doctors, the patient’s body does not reject the donor organ.

The most popular types of transplantations (performed annually):

  • lungs 200;
  • kidneys 180;
  • liver 40.

Transplantations of the cornea, artificial and donor heart, pancreas, the methods of which were developed by the specialists of the Yitzhak Rabin clinic, are also in demand.

Why do patients choose Beilinson Hospital for orthopedic procedures?

endoprosthetics of the hip, knee jointsThe Department of Orthopedics is equipped with the most advanced equipment in the country, including unique orthopedic operating rooms that allow for the full range of operations on the musculoskeletal system.

The most requested procedures among foreign patients:

  • endoprosthesis replacement of hip and knee joints;
  • treatment of curvature of the spine, fracture of the femoral neck, elbow, and shoulder joints;
  • replacement of intervertebral discs;
  • hand surgery;
  • limb reconstruction.

Diagnosis of diseases and injuries is performed using ultrasound, CT, MRI, radiography, densitometry, and studies of the structure of bone tissue.

Surgeons perform most interventions through small incisions up to 6 cm using minimally invasive techniques.

Every year, 8,000 patients come to Beilinson after severe sports injuries, accidents, and falls.

What are the advantages of the IVF procedure in Beilinson Hospital?

IVF at Beilinson ClinicFor the treatment of infertility, patients from all over the world come to the multidisciplinary women’s health center. The reproductive center is equipped with a powerful technical base for all types of IVF.

Among similar reproductive centers, Beilinson Hospital is popular for:

  1. Own andrological laboratory, which performs a complete analysis of semen.
  2. A sperm bank with more than 1,000 samples.
  3. Possibility to preserve the reproductive function of cancer patients.
  4. The use of techniques that increase the effectiveness of IVF procedures:
  • IVM is a technology that does not require prior hormonal stimulation of a woman. The doctor collects immature eggs that mature outside the female body. After fertilization in the laboratory, the embryo is placed in the uterus. The technology is suitable for women with endometriosis, polycystic ovaries, and cancer.
  • PGD means conducting a genetic study of the embryo before its transfer to the uterus. Successful fertilization with this procedure reaches 95%.
How can I go for treatment at Beilinson Hospital?

Experts Medical: go to the Beilinson clinic for treatmentQuickly and without risks to the patient, it is possible to organize a trip for treatment to the Beilinson Medical Center with Experts Medical. To do this, you need to leave a request or call the numbers listed on the website. Medical coordinators will consult free of charge on all issues related to treatment, help you promptly select a doctor, and draw up documents.

For a trip to Israel for treatment at Beilinson Hospital, Experts Medical provides additional services such as the organization of a preliminary consultation with a doctor, booking air tickets and hotel rooms, transfer, and assistance.

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