Salih Marangoz, orthopedist (Istanbul, Turkey) - Experts Medical
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Salih Marangoz

Salih Marangoz

11 reviews
Istanbul, Turkey
Clinical experience: over 15 years
congenital pes equinavarus
Salih Marangoz is one of the most valuable doctors in Turkey in his field. So much so that he provided a very good improvement in my son's feet and legs, who had been treated many times and unfortunately could not recover. Thanks to his involvement, kindness and excellent work in his field, my son's congenital pes equinavarus foot has improved 100 out of 100. We are very happy to have known Dr. Salih and are grateful to him.

January 3, 2024
My 2.5 year old child has cerebral palsy. Previously had an unsuccessful Botox surgery for his legs. After that we were looking for another doctor. On the advice of my friend we were examined by Mr. Salih. He performed a very good checkup. He then performed the botox surgery. Our surgery took a long time and was successful. We were very satisfied with everything: Mr. Salih was in touch with us, talked to us after the operation, surgery, explained everything, and took care of us.

February 12, 2022.
congenital pes equinovarus
My son has congenital pes equinovarus. We live in Cyprus. When we were undergoing treatment in Cyprus my son could have lost a leg. As a result of my search we came across Mr. Salih and I am glad that we met him. Now my child is healthy. We are very satisfied with Mr. Salih. He has become our family's doctor. Mr. Salih Marangoz did the last tendon transplant surgery. My son is now running and walking. He is in good health.

February 11, 2022.
hip dislocation
I went to him on a doctor's recommendation. I had seen many doctors for my dislocated hip. Salih Marangoz did a bilateral hip surgery on me. He explained the situation very well. He said that I can always contact him. I write to him easily all the time, he gives me feedback on every issue. God willing he will always follow his path.

November 19, 2020
Congenital orthopedic problem
We approached Salih Bey about an orthopedic problem caused by the birth of our newborn daughter. Salih Marangoz was recommended by another professor and we were very satisfied.

February 2, 2020
Nesrin Ümit Boyacı
Nesrin Ümit Boyacı
Growth retardation of the left hip
Salih Marangoz is one of the most valuable people Turkey has raised, both as a person and as a doctor. We can't help but thank our doctor for changing our lives. We met our him at Hacettepe University Hospital in Ankara in 2014. Our daughter's left hip, born in January 2014, was barely formed. The doctor watched our daughter for exactly 1 year (she saw us once a week in the first days of treatment) and our daughter recovered without any surgery. Now my daughter is 7 years old, she runs, laughs, plays, and we owe all this to our doctor. Thank God for you, Dr. Salih.
Tibia curvature
In 2013, a botched surgery left my left tibia curved. In 2014, he performed an excellent surgery to correct the deformity. I am now, with great happiness, feeling satisfactory. At that time he was working in Hacettepe. He had many patients, children and adults. He is a specialist in pediatric orthopedics and corrective surgery. He is a good person, attentive, successful and very dedicated. You can be treated by him with peace of mind. Rest assured that this is one of the best doctors our country is training.
Nilüfer Gökçen
Nilüfer Gökçen
bone lengthening
We have completed the second important surgery of my 5 year old son with our doctor who has given us the most trust with his humanity, skill and knowledge. Salih Khoja is our hero without a cape, who patiently understands the mother's excitement and gives clear information. We realized that we made the right decision, especially during the bone lengthening process. May peace be in your life, we are praying for you. We wish you all the best.
Anil Erdem
Anil Erdem
orthopedic treatment
This is a competent, experienced and extremely patient doctor. God willing, there are more doctors like Mr. Salih.
orthopedic treatment
He patiently examined us and listened to us. We found answers to questions that had not been answered for years. Thank you very much.
Ehlibeyt Sevgisi ABONE OL
Ehlibeyt Sevgisi ABONE OL
orthopedic treatment
He is a very good doctor in his field. God bless you.
Clinical experience: over 15 years

Achievements and awards

Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences.
Diploma of the European Board of Orthopedics and Traumatology (EBOT).
Author of more than 30 scientific publications.

About the Doctor

  • Dr. Salih Marangoz’s specialty includes the treatment of children with various orthopedic problems such as clubfoot, hip dysplasia, cerebral palsy, fibular hemimelia, spina bifida and Perthes disease.
  • He also performs deformity correction and limb lengthening surgeries using the Ilizarov external fixator and Precice magnetically controlled nails.
  • He treats fractures in children and adults, and is also involved in general orthopedics for adults and the diagnosis and treatment of common orthopedic conditions.
  • In 2015, he received a diploma from the European Board of Orthopedics and Traumatology (EBOT), (FEBOT).
  • In 2012, he received the certificate of Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Medicine, Hacettepe University.
  • In 2010, he received a diploma from the Turkish Board of Orthopedics and Traumatology.
Clinical experience
  • From 2009 to 2014, he worked at Hacettepe University Hospitals and Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine.
  • From 2014 to 2017, he worked at Koch University Hospital, American Hospital and Koch University Faculty of Medicine.
  • In 2017, he worked at Memorial Sisli Hospital.
  • In 2018, he started working at Acibadem Health Group.
Scientific publications

He has authored more than 30 scientific publications.

  • Citation (WoS): 161
  • Citation (Scopus): 190
Membership in professional organizations
  • Association of Pediatric Orthopaedics;
  • Association for the development of the application of limb reconstruction and Ilizarov ASAMI Turk;
  • Turkish Association of Orthopedics and Traumatology;
  • Society for Limb Lengthening and Reconstruction, United States of America;
  • European Pediatric Orthopaedic Society;
  • Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America.
Clinic where the doctor performs surgeries
Acibadem Maslak Hospital
Turkey, Istanbul