Professor Selami Sözübir is actively involved in scientific activities, speaking at more than 15 national and international congresses as chairman, secretary, organizing or scientific committee member. He has presented oral papers at 28 international congresses and has been invited as a speaker at more than 25 scientific meetings. Prof. Sözyubir has also chaired 8 international and 21 national scientific meetings.
He holds the position of Deputy Editor at Child Surgery Journal and Editor-in-Chief at Yeditepe Medical Journal. He has 43 articles published in international journals and 34 articles in national publications. Prof. Sözyubir has also written one book chapter and contributed to the translation of three books.
Prof. Sözyubir has been honored with a number of awards for his scientific achievements. In 1997, he was recognized by the Chancellor of Onokuz Mayys University for his contribution to international medical literature. In 1998, his experimental work on fetal surgery was awarded first prize at the National Congress of Pediatric Surgery. In 2001, he received a letter of appreciation from the Rector of Kocaeli University for his scientific contributions. In 2007, the Kosovo Government and the Association of Pediatric Surgery of Kosovo awarded him an honorary diploma for organizing the International Congress of Hypospadias Surgery. In 2009, he was awarded a letter of appreciation by the Dean of the University of Jeditepe for scientific achievements in 2008, and received the best clinical research award at the Anesthesia Congress in Saudi Arabia.