Amberlife Latvian Virotherapy Center

“If someone worries that this kind of therapy has not yet been fully studied by modern methods, then I can answer that patients don’t have time to wait for such experiments and their results. The patient needs medicine here and now! And, to survive, every minute is important. I would have been six feet under a long time ago, awaiting the results of recent research. There is no time to wait for studies that may last for several more years. I believe that if this medicine helped one person, it can be used by others. This is my free choice: to use the drug or not. Nobody said that this is a miracle remedy and will help me 100%. I decided to try, and it works. Analyzes confirm this. Moreover, this treatment method, unlike the others, does not have side effects.”

Stable life. Beloved children. I never thought that the terrible diagnosis of oncology would ever touch me … But it happened … Next: surgery, chemistry, radiation therapy, again chemistry, and complete bedriddenness! In this state, it was decided to start treatment with virotherapy. At that time, I started to believe in a miracle! A month later, I took on a complete sense of life! The bed is in the past! What a joy to return to a full life, work, travel, and understand that life goes on! I am infinitely grateful to you for the life given to me!

My husband would not have been alive for a long time, if he didn’t undergo virotherapy. In 2012, in Germany, he was diagnosed with prostate carcinoma with a grade of 8, very rapidly developing. According to forecasts, the husband had to live no more than two years. We decided to start treatment with virotherapy. Injections, performed according to the scheme in the process of virotherapy, stopped the development of the tumor. A year later, 2 large lymph nodes disappeared, after two years the third one also disappeared. Prostate carcinoma slowed down, continued to grow, but very slowly. I know other people who used virotherapy and they achieved the same results as my husband.

2 years ago I was diagnosed with oncology, stage II, I needed urgent therapy. I was plagued with the thought that I was becoming completely defenseless. Studying the literature, researching the Internet, I learned about the fight against cancer with the help of virotherapy based on the cytolytic effect of the drug and various ways to stimulate the body’s immunity in order to fight oncology. I had the opportunity to start treatment with virotherapy, and I remain true to this way of fighting for life for a year and a half. The state of health and the standard of living improved during the treatment, the progress of the examination still does not state the development of the disease, I can even work like everyone else.