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Professor Ehud RAANANI is a world-renowned specialist in the field of cardiothoracic surgery.
He specializes in the treatment of aortic aneurysms and the correction of heart valves, masterfully performs the most complex and modern operations, such as coronary artery bypass grafting with and without the connection of a heart-lung machine, heart valve replacement, removal of heart tumors and other types of surgical interventions. He treats heart rhythm disorders (atrial fibrillation) using the latest MAZE method (“Labyrinth”), the effectiveness of which is more than 90%.
Under the leadership and with the direct participation of Ehud Raanani, Israeli and international groups of scientists are conducting research in the field of cardiac surgery.
He teaches at Tel Aviv University.
He is the author of more than 173 scientific papers published in leading medical journals.
He was repeatedly awarded prestigious awards and prizes for his considerable contribution to the development of world cardiac surgery.
Gil Bolotin received his PhD from the University of Maastricht, The Netherlands.
Dr. Bolotin’s main scientific and clinical interests are in repairing and replacing heart valves, aortic surgery, surgical treatment of heart failure, robotic and minimally invasive cardiac surgery, and surgical treatment of atrial fibrillation.
He has done extensive research on valvular repair and replacement, aortic surgery, heart failure surgery, and robotic and minimally invasive cardiac surgery.
Prof. Sternik is a highly qualified specialist in the field of cardiothoracic surgery. He graduated from the Moscow School of Medicine and upon his immigration to Israel started to work at the Sheba Medical Center in the Department of Cardiac Surgery.
Prof. Sternik was invited to a clinical fellowship at the Mayo Clinic, USA, where he spent 2 years performing hundreds of complicated heart surgeries.
Since 2005 he served as the Head of the Surgical Care Unit for Atrial Fibrillation which also serves as a Center for European Studies in the Surgical Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation. He became a deputy Director of the Department in 2012, and the Director of the Department of Cardiac Surgery at Sheba in 2018.
Prof. Sternik lectures at Tel Aviv University and overseas; he has published over 40 articles in international medical journals and he is responsible for various clinical and laboratory researches in the cardiac surgery field. He is an editor of the leading Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery.
Professor Gadi Keren is one of the leading Israeli specialists in the exaltation of heart-cousin diseases.
He pursued his professional career at Tel Aviv State University, where he received the title of professor of cardiology and became head of the department. Today, the doctor is also the deputy dean of the university for primary work.
Gadi Keren has already written over 320 scientific works. The largest number of yoga robots were associated with the future medicine of Israel, followed by erythropoietin and antibiotic therapy of acute mastoiditis.
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Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) is a complex cardiac surgical procedure that restores normal blood flow in the heart’s arteries. Heart bypass surgery in Israel is one of the most popular heart surgeries, for which patients from different countries come here, including the countries of Central Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. Israeli cardiac surgeons are rightfully considered the best experts in the world, and cardiac surgery is the country’s leading medical field. Coronary artery bypass grafting is considered a standard procedure in Israel, with more than 30,000 patients undergoing it annually.
According to Experts Medical, foreign patients choose medical centers in Israel for heart bypass surgery for the following reasons:
In Israeli hospitals, there is a stable trend of continuous improvement in the results of CABG. The number of postoperative complications after coronary artery bypass grafting in Israel is minimized.
The most common indication for surgery is the narrowing of the lumen of the coronary vessels by more than 50% as a result of coronary heart disease (CHD). With this pathology, the patient’s processes of blood supply to the myocardium are disrupted, due to which the heart muscle begins to experience a lack of oxygen.
Among the main symptoms of coronary artery disease are severe chest pain, shortness of breath during physical exertion and at rest, and dizziness. The danger of coronary artery disease is that it can lead to the development of many serious complications, which in the end can threaten the patient’s life—for example, myocardial infarction, chronic heart failure, and cardiosclerosis.
In addition to IHD, heart bypass in Israel is prescribed for the following pathologies:
The decision on the need for CABG and its method is made based on the results of laboratory and instrumental studies, the severity of the disease, and the general condition of the patient.
Contraindications for CABG can be absolute and relative:
The poor prognosis for CABG is small and rarely exceeds 1%. In recent years, no cases have been recorded in Israel when, at the end of the procedure, surgeons were unable to restart the patient’s heart.
Among the complications, inflammatory processes and edema are rarely recorded.
Particular attention should be paid to the following categories of patients:
To minimize the risks, doctors maximally compensate for the pathological conditions of patients, carry out drug prevention. Israeli clinics are known for their low incidence of complications.
Heart bypass surgery in Israel is carried out after a thorough preoperative examination for 3-4 days.
A mandatory preoperative procedure is diagnostic coronary angiography. The doctor, using a catheter, injects a contrast agent into the patient’s coronary arteries to study the patency of the vessels.
The study allows you to assess the condition of the heart vessels and determine which method of treatment will be most effective:
Also, patients undergo various laboratory tests and tests using modern equipment, including stress echocardiography and 24-hour Holter ECG monitoring.
When making a decision, experts take into account many factors. For example, the length of the narrowed section of the artery, its tortuosity, the degree of narrowing. CABG is usually carried out with a narrowing of more than 75%.
The preoperative plan includes consultations with a cardiologist, a cardiac surgeon, and an anesthesiologist. The patient may be assigned additional diagnostic procedures if there are appropriate indications.
If conservative treatment and angioplasty with stenting do not lead to an improvement in blood supply, the patient is indicated for coronary artery bypass grafting. The goal of CABG is to restore the blood supply to the heart by creating “new vessels” to bypass the damaged ones.
During the operation, doctors form a shunt to bypass the affected area from a vessel taken from another body part. Israeli doctors for transplants use mainly the thoracic arteries. They are distinguished by better survival compared to venous bypasses, a rare occurrence of complications, and a longer service life – up to 15 years.
The surgeons make the final decision on the number of shunts only during the intervention. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia. It lasts 3-6 hours, depending on the chosen technique.
Heart bypass surgery in Israel is carried out by several methods:
Israel’s leading hospitals have developed an innovative robotic technology for CABG using the Da Vinci apparatus. With this type of intervention, all manipulations are performed through punctures up to 1 cm. Patients note that the absence of pain and complications means that the rehabilitation period takes 1-3 days. This technology is owned by less than 1% of cardiac surgeons in the world.
Hospitalization after surgery lasts 5-7 days. 3 weeks after surgery, the patient can return to everyday life. After discharge, it is recommended to stay in the country for 14 days for outpatient monitoring. High-quality rehabilitation in specialized centers is of great importance.
Based on data from partner clinics and patient feedback, Experts Medical can recommend the following medical centers for heart bypass surgery in Israel:
The Heart Center performs over 35,000 procedures annually, including 3,000 catheter surgeries and over 1,000 open heart procedures. Even in the most challenging cases, surgeons prefer to perform CABG on a beating heart. The frequency of postoperative complications does not exceed 3%. All patients undergo rehabilitation according to a personal scheme. According to the Israeli Ministry of Health, the level of satisfaction of patients treated at the Sheba Clinic’s Heart Center is the highest in the country. CABG operations are carried out by Raanni Ehud, one of the leading specialists in Israel.
One of the important advantages of treatment in Israeli hospitals is the absence of a language barrier for patients from Russian-speaking countries.
The price for coronary artery bypass grafting in Israel in leading clinics ranges from $21,000 – 24,000. The total cost of the procedure can be $34,000. It includes:
You can learn more about the prices and conditions for coronary artery bypass surgery in Israel on the Experts Medical website or during a free telephone consultation with the company’s coordinating doctor.
In order not to waste time and quickly perform coronary artery bypass grafting in Israel with the best cardiac surgeons, you should immediately call Experts Medical coordinating doctors or leave a request on the website. As soon as possible, coordinating doctors will help you choose the best clinic for coronary artery bypass surgery in Israel, as well as a leading specialist with whom you can arrange an online consultation.
At Experts Medical, for a trip to Israel for coronary artery bypass grafting, services are available for processing medical documents, booking air tickets and hotel rooms, and transfer.