Matspen Medical Center

Many thanks to the specialists of the Matspen Center for their help in treating our son N. Thank you for your professionalism and attentive attitude towards our child.

It is very important for parents that their children are healthy. When misfortune and illness befall a child, it is very important to find the right path that will lead to healing. The Matzpen Clinic has become a compass that has made it possible to see more clearly the path to our daughter’s mental health. Huge thanks to the doctors!

I have already lost hope of getting rid of the “unsleeping worm” in my head. Life seemed to be over… With a great deal of skepticism and distrust, I flew to the clinic.. If they don’t help here, they won’t help anywhere else, I thought. During the month of my stay, I still did not believe that something would come of it. But now another 2 months have passed and I’m flying home insanely happy. For the first time in many years, I felt a taste for life, an interest in life appeared … Three months have passed and I’m taking the sun of Tel Aviv with me! Definitely, crossing the threshold of the clinic with the inscription “Matspen” with an orange-pink feather was one of the best decisions in my life.

I underwent diagnostics and treatment in June and July 2018. After 7 years (of my unsuccessful attempts in Ukraine), the doctors of the Matspen clinic finally diagnosed me … In general, the impressions from the clinic, from the doctors, the staff are extremely positive .. Thank you all for your help, support, advice!